Daily insight


This is just a little post to show what I got up to today.

I finally got the rest of my wrapping done, literally three presents left to wrap now so I'm a very happy bunny :) I managed to get some really cute gift boxes from The Card Factory (prices from 99p) and I salvaged some from last years Christmas box.

I also added some new scents to my room, firstly I added my new Snow Mountain (see yesterday's post) to my bowl of smellies and secondly I bought two little Yankee Candle samples (www.clintons.co.uk) because I have asked for a few candles for my birthday and wanted to test them out first, I think I have decided on Christmas Cookie (I was originally going to go for Snowflake cookie because of the pinkness but I'm so glad I didn't because I hate the smell), Vanilla Cupcake which is very similar but gorgeous, and my brother managed to track down the Easter special Bunny Cake for me which I am super excited about, I haven't smelt it so I pray I like it because they are really expensive :O

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