HAUL: New beauty purchases
21:29Just a little haul, and a few reviews on some beauty products I have been buying recently.

So I thought it was time to do another haul since I have been buying plenty of beauty products and make up lately, it's basically a lot of stuff that I've been wanting but haven't been able to afford because of Christmas. I have also included a few bits I have bought since Christmas with my vouchers or Christmas money. Enjoy.
I keep hearing about Sleek make up, and so obviously I've been wanting to try a few bits, I have started with this, the Sleek Pout Pot in Bare Minimum (£4.49 www.boots.com) which I have to say I am loving! It smells gorgeous, it's not sticky, it's not really pigmented so its lovely and natural (obviously I picked a natural tone so maybe the others are more pigmented). It's definitely my new favourite handbag beauty product. Other products I want to try include the contouring palette and the brow kit.
Next I bought these, Revlon Colourburst Lip Butter (£7.99 each, www.boots.com), I got the shades 045 Cotton Candy and 047 Pink Lemonade (I had wanted to get the Creme Brulle but it was sold out). I had been seeing these for ages on every single beauty blog, so assuming they must be great I bought two at once, big mistake, I learnt my lesson, I don't even like them, I mean the consistency in nice and smooth, glides on lovely, and they colour choices are great but I find its too thin and kind of comes off ten minutes after its been put on, it's not very pigmented so picking a colour is kind of pointless because they all come out pretty much the same, the packaging it's really cute and the lid clicks closed which I like but the worst thing I found about these were that they seem to cling to every single imperfection on your lip, any creases or dry skin seem to gather excess product. Disappointed.
In the same trip however, I bought this! Which totally made up for the fact that I didn't like the Lip Butters. It's the Limited Bourjois Poudre De Riz De Java (£9.99 www.boots.com), essentially a highlighting powder, I love it, it's ultra fine so it glides on so smoothly and you don't feel cakey adding another layer, it's a really delicate shimmer so it's daytime friendly and it smells lovely. The packaging is so cute and vintage yet amazingly practical, they have added a sliding lid which locks in place over the perforations so that, unlike other powders, it doesn't spill everywhere when you chuck it in your bag.
I finally picked up this Bourjois Delice De Poudre Bronzing Powder (£6.99 www.boots.com) and I love it, I chose the shade 51 as I thought the 52, even though only slightly darker in the packet might be too dark to build with. This bronzer had a slight shimmer which I don't generally like in a bronzer, I only like highlighter where I choose to put it, so I usually go for matte bronzers like Rimmel Natural Bronzer or Benefit Dallas/Hoola, but the shimmer is so slight that even when you have finished building your bronze you still can't see it, so I love that, it smells really nice and blends really well, I can't really fault it.
I've definitely been going a bit concealer mental lately, every time I read about one I'm like "ahhh I have to go buy it NOW", so I got this Phwoarr Paint by Seventeen (£5.49 www.boots.com) which is designed for under eye dark circles, it says heavy duty and to be fair it does seem to cover pretty well, I would say the only fault with this is that it's not particularly buildable is its kind of that rubbery consistency where when you add another layer it kind of strips the under layer, you can do it but its just a gentle operation, it's definitely brightening and it doesn't crease so I'd say its worth the fiver.
I also picked up this Revlon Colourstay Concealer (£6.99 www.boots.com) which I actually got free as part of a 3 for 2 offer with the Lip Butters, I found it had too much orange tone, I picked 02 Light as the shade so I wasn't expecting any orange, I should have gone for 01 Fair. It's quite light coverage, I'd say light to medium, it's nice and it'll be better in summer but I don't think I could use this concealer by itself, I'd have to pair it with something thicker.
I got these lashes because I found them in Tesco on offer for like £3, and I thought they would be more practical for me that the strips since I usually have eyelash extensions but my friend who does them is actually due to give birth any day now so I'm having to deal with whats left at the moment, I think I should be able to fill them in with these. I haven't tried yet after my sister informed me that they are fiddley so I'll save that for a more patient time.
I actually got this one for Christmas but I've snuck it in, it's the MUA eyeshadow palette in Heaven & Earth, I think these are like £3.99 or & £4.99 and they are available at Superdrug. I have used this everyday since I got it, the colours are so easy to wear and blendable and it's so worth the money, I wasn't really an eyeshadow girl until I saw this on my mums dressings table, but I've got to say its great.
A bit late I know, but I have got me some Real Techniques Brushes! They are on offer at Boots at the moment, Buy one get one half price, so I though it was the best time to get them, there are two more that I want aswell, the Face brush and the Powder brush, but so far I have got the Blush brush (£9.99 www.boots.com) and the Setting brush (£8.99 www.boots.com). I'm happy with them so far and I've ordered some new brush cleanser to keep them beautiful.
This was just a repurchase as my other bottle only has like maybe 4 days worth left in it. The wonderful, ever lasting, Benefit High Beam highlighter (£19.50 www.boots.com) I love this highlighter it's the perfect sheen and consistency and is so worth the money, I have had my last bottle for like 3 years and I use it almost every day!
Thank you for ready, if you did, it was really long, sorry, I always end up doing reviews as I go along. Oh and by the way I'm not plugging Boots, it's just I buy as much beauty wise as I can from there because I collect points, I've got like £40 worth of points on my card at the moment.